Overall, we were impressed with the partnership the BGCO has
established with the Guerrero Baptist Convention. To make this a true
partnership, they are pairing local churches in Mexico and churches in Oklahoma
to truly work together to plant churches. The leader in Guerrero is organized,
smart, prayerful, and strategic. Pastors of the church plants were eager to be
about the work of the Lord and reach their communities for Christ.
While the whole region of Guerrero is being adopted, we are
looking in and around Acapulco for our church plant. It was a bit odd knowing
that we were to pick which of the 18 churches we visited pastors/churches we
wanted to work with – the pastors we visited knew this was happening too!
Fortunately, we had our dates set for 2013 and are working with a church that
had already planned a crusade that week. There were several other pastor/church
plants more than worthy to work with as well.

I was amazed by some of the stories of sacrifice being made
by the pastors we met. One man moved from Cuba to Mexico (without his family,
because he felt called of God to Acapulco – his family is try to move to Mexico
legally). Several of the pastors moved their families to the neighborhoods they
were trying to reach, giving up comforts of their own home for their calling.
Pastors were gladly sending members to plant new churches without regard for
how big their own church was. The pastors we meet we true Kingdom minded men.
This partnership will not be without its challenges though.
Mexico is infamous for the drug cartels and violence associated with them. Many
people are scared to travel to Acapulco for this reason, and although it is not
nearly as bad as the media portrays it to be, it is a true concern. Also, we
will have to deal with people wondering if you can really do a “Real Mission
Trip” in Acapulco.
It is my belief that once people visit the city, see the
people we will be ministering to, and experience the work God is doing all of
this will be resolved. Until, my challenge is to pray for the 15 new church
plants, pray for God’s provision and protection, and pray asking God what your
role in His work in Acapulco should be.