“Teacher, what shall I do?” Having gone to Dallas and served this weekend gives me a connection to this question …I’m sure Jeremy and Jason who also went would be of the same opinion. I am a person in a state of expectation…What amazing things God can do if we let him! Getting a chance to walk door to door in a very tough neighborhood that I would never be in otherwise…and having a feeling and sense of peace while doing it…amazing! Witnessing the outpouring of Christ’s love in park while feeding and engaging others…amazing! High fiving God’s children in park, picking up trash; enjoying a long bus ride with family and friends, watching Facing the Giants (which if you haven’t seen is a MUST see!)…awesome! We serve an awesome God – He is able to unbelievable thing if we let Him – Have a great week! – Randy N.
I am excited to go back June the 27th and 28th. A few of those kids were so needy and captured my heart; I can hardly wait to see them again. Thanks you for the opportunity to join you in this work our family was blessed to serve and be Jesus to others. – Trenda D.
This past weekend was unbelievable for my family. Jana and I truly appreciate you guys setting it up where we could take our kids. It was awesome to see our girls interact with those kids down there and to be so excited about going door to door to hand out flyers to people in that community. I wanted to make sure that we were on the team that walked through the neighborhoods and actually met some of the people we would be ministering to. We took Brooke and Britton and they had a blast going door to door hanging the church information and VBS information on the doors. We even had them knocking on doors and talking to people. It was also awesome getting to hang out and actually do God's work with other members of our church. What a neat opportunity for us as parents to see our kids putting to action what God teaches us in His word. If you can, you guys need to make a point to go to at least one of the trips, I think we are going to try and go to the rest of them. – Jeremy R.
The trip was one of the most rewarding things I have participated in for quite a while! I think my favorite moment was when a small girl, maybe six or seven, wanted to play ball with me. We kicked one of the large balls around for about 20 minutes or so and she came up to me and said something like, "Would you like to come and play again soon?" I don't know the girl's situation, but I do know that smile was genuine. It's not often in today's hectic schedule of soccer, work, and youth taxi service that you can focus on letting Jesus shine though your life. Thanks for providing us the opportunity to do that! Jess D.
It sounds like you all had a great time in Dallas last weekend and I am jealous of the blessing I missed out on. Jeremy was telling me about all that happened and it sounded truly amazing! - Chris K.

(This is where Abundant Grace meets; it is an old gym the Dallas Housing Authority basically gave to Bob... it stood abandoned for 7 years)
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