Sunday, July 29, 2012

iOutlet Cover

Christy sent this to me to look at. It just makes sense, and we will have them in the near future!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Real Church… Worthy of His Calling

We are currently in a series called “The Real Church.” This past Sunday, July 22, 2012, I had the opportunity to preach a sermon in this series called, “Worthy of His Calling.” The message was based on 2Thessalonians 1:11-12 that is Paul’s prayer for the church. In order to be the real church acts like Jesus, active with promptings, acts with power, and actions glorify. To listen to the sermon, click here.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tips For Teaching

Teaching is not easy, in fact it can be rather challenging to present a lesson and lead discussion for your peers. There is something else that is true about teaching, it is impossible to teach a good small group lesson if you do not put the necessary time in to prepare. It is a disservice to yourself, your class, and your Lord you represent. The following are 3 simple tips for teaching a Bible study:

1. Preparation – preparation is the key to teaching a good lesson; if you do not put the necessary time in to preparing to teach you class, do everyone a favor and step down; think through questions to get people thinking about the topic and involved in the conversation.
2. Patience – when asking questions be patient; assume silence means people are thinking; if silent for long enough, people will eventually talk; 

3. Practice – practice makes perfect; before you get to the classroom setting, practice your lesson (this is part of preparation); teaching is a skill that is learned, do not quit if it takes a while to get good at it!