Friday, December 6, 2013

Book Review: ENEMIES of the HEART by Andy Stanley

ENEMIES of the HEART is a great book. In this work, Andy Stanley deals with Four Emotions that Control You: Guilt, Anger, Greed, and Jealousy. Each negative emotion is dealt with in terms of debt. Whether you owe someone else or they owe you or you owe you or God owes you, there is a clear message communicated of how each of those mentality negatively impact an individual and robs people of the true intimacy God desires they have. Additionally, Stanley provides simple practice antidotes to each one of those enemies of the heart: Confession, Forgiveness, Generosity, and Celebration. It is my opinion that everyone should read this book. In fact, I have distributed this book to several people and purchased another dozen to share as I feel so led.

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