Monday: After another night of minimal sleep, we all woke up ready for the day. My parents decided to take the kids to the Jenks Aquarium, which benefited everyone. It allowed Christy some alone time to tend to our home and relax, it allowed me work for almost 2 hours, it gave Grammy & Granddad time with just the grandkids, and our kiddos got to see the pretty fishys.
My parents were going to leave right after lunch, but they agreed to help me run a few errands first. It is hard to express how huge that was, because without their help we might still being trying to take care of some stuff. We both really appreciated them staying a little bit longer for us!
That evening, we were also blessed to have Jerry & Demie bring us dinner (Rib Crib)! The kids played for a bit, and it good to have friends over. Jerry & I went up to the church for skate church family night, but just stayed for a short time. In fact, after a couple of minutes Rick told me to go home to rest (the implication is that I did not look good and the medications were affecting me). My pain level was highest to yet on Monday, probably from pushing it too hard the past two days.
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