Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Doctor of Ministry Work

Over that past 2 ½ years I have been working on my doctor of ministry degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. There are two main parts of the degree plan, classes and the dissertation. It has been difficult to organize my time in such a way that I can effectively complete this project, so my hope is that in sharing my plan of action to complete the project accountability will be put into place for this to take place. Here is schedule for this work:

• February 13: Turn in Chapters 1-3
• March 25-May 27: Facilitate Ministry Project
• August 10: Turn in Final Copy

For my accountability’s understanding: Before the actual ministry project can take place, the first 3 chapters must be submitted and approved. The three chapters describe a ministry area of concern (1), biblical rationale for why it is a concern (2), and how the student will address fixing the issue (3). Once the project is administered, then the student writes a detailed report of the project (4), finalized with the success of failure of the project (5).

Again it is my hope that in following this schedule, I will be able to complete my doctoral work and graduate in December, 2009. Please pray for this work and feel free to ask me how it is going. Thank you for your support!

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