Monday, July 7, 2008

Freedom Weekend

Freedom Weekend for us this year was great. My kids got to see all their cousins, aunts & uncles, grandparents, and great-grandparents this weekend. My old boss had me fill in for him at Davis Boulevard Baptist where I preached a sermon called, “Free To Be Set Free.” For me this year, it was a time of family, grilling, and relaxation.

It definitely is great to live in the land of liberty. As we were lounging around tonight we saw an episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition where they highlighted a Marine who lost his leg in battle, and came home to his four kids who were all abandoned by his wife/their mother. His sacrifice for our country is a reminder of the great sacrifice our freedom requires.

On a weekend of patriotism and celebration, it is important to recognize that FREEDOM ISN’T FREE. There is a heavy price tag on our American freedom. Many men and women are serving our country daily to protect the privileges that are so easy to take for granted. We need to pray for them and lift them up daily. While thinking about freedom, we need to also remember there was an even heftier price tag on our Spiritual freedom found in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. In Christ we are free indeed… may we never take that for granted and always pursue fresh growth in our relationship with Him.

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